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Where camaraderie takes flight, and stories weave through the Verse. 


Step into our virtual bar—a haven where friends gather, laughter echoes, and tales of adventure unfold.

Pull up a digital stool, share your journey, and clink virtual glasses with fellow wanderers on DISCORD.

Our community thrives on bonds forged across light-years, where pixels become people and avatars become friends.


For those who seek more than idle chatter, consider joining our organization, Zero Gravitas.

They’re the freelancers—the cosmic mavericks—charting courses through asteroid fields, chasing bounties, and salvaging lost relics.

Adventure awaits in every star system.



we are not members, but friends




Planet and Moon
Lunar Craters
The Stars
Orison Org.jpg

Remember, your belongings belong to you !


Have you ever wondered how a group of freelancers found themselves in the lap of luxury and abundance within the remarkable cityscape of Orison?


Once upon a time, Zero Gravitas operated in the gritty confines of Grim Hex, a notorious space station notorious for its connections to the criminal underworld. However, fate dealt them a transformative hand when Grim Hex fell victim to the ravages of a fierce pirate war.

Amidst the chaos and destruction, their client met an untimely demise. Yet, amidst the rubble, an unexpected windfall came their way—an impressive sum of UEC destined for delivery in the prestigious realm of Orison. Seizing the opportunity, Zero Gravitas resolved to relocate their base of operations to the safety and prestige of this renowned city.


With their new-found wealth, Zero Gravitas spared no expense in upgrading their ships, augmenting their gear, and establishing themselves as one of the most sought-after freelance groups in the vast expanse of the galaxy. Although their ascent to success was remarkable, Zero Gravitas never lost sight of their humble origins. They remained steadfast in their commitment to undertaking audacious missions, solidifying their reputation as a fearless and dependable collective of freelancers.


As their influence and prosperity continued to flourish within the opulent confines of Orison, Zero Gravitas embraced a life teeming with thrilling adventures and abundant rewards in the expansive universe of Star Citizen.

So, should you find yourself in need of a task completed, rest assured that Zero Gravitas, the idiosyncratic yet well-mannered group of freelancers who frequent the bars of Orison Spaceport, will be there to lend their expertise without asking unnecessary questions. With Zero Gravitas, you can trust that your objectives will be accomplished with unwavering dedication and unparalleled professionalism.


If you need something done... you could count on Zero Gravitas, Orison Spaceport bar, beer-drinking, weird, odd-looking, but a well-mannered group of freelancers, no questions asked...

Use this for extra 5000 UEC when you join

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